Sunday, 29 April 2012

Rainy days

The recent days of rain have culminated today in a wild storm which is why there is a picture of my dry (and very messy!) greenhouse instead of flowers in a field.  Really I should be tidying it out but instead I have been sitting in front of the logburning stove reading Death comes to Pemberley by P.D.James.  What a beautifully written sequel to Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.  All the familiar characters rendered superbly and a murder to boot!

If you fancy something a little more plant-oriented, why not try The Flower Farmer: an organic grower's guide to raising and selling cut flowers by Lynn Byczynski or Garden to vase: growing and using your own cut flowers by Linda Beutler.  Both these American publications contain useful information on harvesting and conditioning flowers and are imbued with knowledge and passion.  Less useful when it comes to conditioning but with handy growing advice including a month-by-month to-do list for those of us in the U.K. and fabulous photographs is Gardners' World Flowers by Toby Buckland.  And to see what can be achieved with cut flowers Flower arranging by MarkWelford & Stephen Wicks is the most gorgeous book full of beautiful, creative arrangements.  There is a design using a wire cup cake stand, tea light holders, hydrangeas, roses and peonies which is sublime.